Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dos, a beer, a Mexican beer...

...Ray, the guy who buys me beer,
Me, the guy I buy beer for,
Fa, a long way to the bar,
So, I guess I'll have a beer,
La, la la la la la laaaaa,
Tea, no thanks I'll have a beeeeer,
And it brings us back to...

I woke up Sunday morning to that all-too-familiar kick in the face from my liver, berating me for drinking so much vodka the night before. Only this time, I was kicked in the face in the comfort of my old bed in my parents’ house.

Yes, I graced Fairfax, Virginia with my presence this past weekend, and it was great. I got in Friday evening, at which point my mom, dad, sister and I went out to Kate’s Irish Pub in the extremely cosmopolitan town of Springfield, Virginia to have a few Smithwicks, play darts, and watch these two old guys play drinking songs:


They’re hilarious, Irish, chatty, and extremely amenable to playing songs requested by yours truly.

Saturday I had lunch with Pri and Em, and it was lovely. Then it was back home for the annual October Birthdays party at my parents house, to which many of my relatives came. I proceeded to stuff my face with (FREE!) food, and await the arrival of Christen.
Christen got to my house around 8:30pm, and by 10:30 we were on our way to Velvet, courtesy of Garth and his new gas-guzzling SUV. It was a pretty nice ride though, I have to say.

Everyone was at Velvet and it was a typical good time had by all. Ed and Mike came, as well as my sister and various Velvet friends, who I never see in the light of day but with whom I’ve had hour long, heart-to-heart discussions with over the years and in various states of inebriation. And yes, we danced in the cage. Which brings me back around to the vodka. For there is no cage without vodka. Sober people do not dance in cages.

Anyway, Sunday consisted of being hungover at church, then watching my Redskins beat the tar off the San Francisco 49ers. It was beautiful.

Just a fantastic weekend, and exactly what I needed. This is a great city, but you gotta get out every once in a while or you’ll just go insane.