Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm back.

I’m back, I’m tan, and I’ve got a place to live.

It doesn’t get any better than that.

I’ve been on vacation at the Outer Banks, N.C. for the last week with the Eiswerths and the NYC crowd. It was great. The weather was amazing, 80 degrees and sunny almost every single day. There was sailing and kayaking and drinking before noon. We cleaned the local grocery store out of their stock of Yuengling. That’s what I call a successful vacation. Unfortunately, the rest of the vacationers had to evacuate the island because of Hurricane Ophelia. Sucks.

So now I’m back in NYC and detoxing, getting back into the groove of things. I am fully moved into my new apartment with Matt, and I LOVE IT. The neighborhood is a bit sketchy (less though, I think, than the place I was living before), but the apartment is beautiful. Newly renovated, hardwood floors, clean walls, minimalist furniture, lots of closet space, and a room that is almost 3 times the size of my old room in Ghetto, Brooklyn. There’s a great taco place down the street which doubles as an all-night diner, and a kick-ass place to get a slice (something I couldn’t find in my old neighborhood). I’ve had a few guys do the whole cat calling, “hey sweetie” thing as I walk down the street, but other than that, it’s not so bad. We’re getting cable soon and internet, and it’s fabulous.

Let’s see, what else is going on in fabulous New York City?

This weekend, some girls from work and I are going to a burlesque show at The Slipper Room. I can’t wait.

Tonight, I’m going with these same girls to Pianos to see a band and drink free beer. FREE BEER!

And this coming Sunday, ladies and gentlemen, my softball team, VOTE FOR PEDRO, will be playing our first game. Come one, come all, come see Colleen shame her former softball training by throwing like a girl.

Also, and most importantly, Sunday morning when I woke up and walked outside, I got that first hint that it is almost autumn in New York. Crappy movie, great time to be in this city.