Monday, October 17, 2005

all up ons

Hey all.

So, the main reason I wasn't posting for a while is that I didn't have access to the Internet at home. Now I do. And you all who are reading this will suffer because of it. Mindless drivel, stupid comments, and most likely, drunken rambling, will fill this page, now that I can sit in my pajamas, drink a large glass of wine, and write my thoughts to The Void (and friends). And holy shit, that was seven commas in one sentence.

My money troubles, the ones which have been causing me psychological distress as of late, will soon be over. All this thanks to a little place called NAME REDACTED. (hell if I'm getting dooced.) Starting tomorrow, I will tutor 4 days a week (evenings and weekends), thus making enough money to SELL MY FREAKING CAR back know the one...the one that I pay close to $400/month for it to sit in my parents' driveway collecting dust and age? Yep, that's the one. It will be gone. Anyone wanna buy a car?

It's almost Halloween and Danny and I are thinking of Halloween costumes. If you're reading this and wish to comment, it would be greatly appreciated. We are thinking of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. What do you think?

Ok, I must go to the grocery know the one, right across from the gambling bookies and past the projects.
