Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Fast Times at Capeside High

This past weekend was very uneventful. I spent a lot of time walking around Brooklyn and exploring. Walk out my front door, and you’re in Southeast D.C. Walk two blocks south, and it’s Dupont Circle. The Tea Lounge, which is part bar, part coffee/tea house, has been a favorite hangout of mine lately. They sell these Australian meat pies, which Danny tells me are nearly impossible to find in The States, so we stopped in for some meaty, flaky goodness. They tasted like gourmet Hot Pockets. I also inquired about a job there, just in case my funds should run dangerously low at some point. I have to say though, I am very happy with how I’m managing with my money. I might just survive on an assistant’s salary after all!

Saturday, Danny and I went for a nice, long walk around Central Park. It was during said walk that we discussed how not to become fat lards by eating better (1 bagel a week!) and exercising more. It’s tricky for me, because I can’t really join the gym near my apartment in Park Slope because I’ll be moving in a month, but this coming month is when I really need to get in shape, since I’m going to the beach the first week in September. Eeek! Today, I brought my workout clothes to work, and after work, I’m going to go running in Central Park. How cool is my life right now? I get to run in Central Park!

There has been an awful lot of sitting in front of the DVD player with my roommate, watching episodes of a certain teen drama these days. We are kind of on a roll, and we want to get to the end of the series soon so we can get back to our regular lives. It’s becoming a ritual…come home from work, make dinner, have a beer, watch a couple of episodes, bemoan the fact that Joey is so damn mean to Pacey, when he is, in fact, the perfect boyfriend, and yelling, “FOREHEAD!!” at the screen whenever Dawson shows up. I do think I need to get out more.

Countdown to the beach: 37 days!