Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Sunrise, Sunset

Considering my historical proclivity for causing myself serious bodily harm while doing physical activities, it will probably come as a shock to you that I have joined a co-ed sports team. It certainly came as a shock to me. Ok, to be fair, it’s not like I’ve taken up rugby or Australian football (which, by the way, looks like SO MUCH FUN). I have joined a Zogsports ( softball team. I was thinking I’d have to do it all by myself too, but I was able to use my powers of persuasion to convince Lisa to join too! We joined the “very casual” league, which basically means you do a lot more drinking than actual playing softball. Which, if you know me or Lisa, is absolutely perfect. It should be a fun fall in New York City.

I saw Fiddler on the Roof last night on Broadway, and aside from the fact that I actually had to set foot in the hell that is Times Square, it was really great. The show was very well done, with the original choreography by Jerome Robbins (my hero ever since I saw West Side Story) intact. Harvey Firestein played the main roll and, to my great surprise, listening to his voice for three hours didn’t make me want to stab myself in the arm with a rusty knife. You can tell he absolutely loves being up there and commands the attention of the audience throughout the play. Great stuff.

Well, that’s about all there is in the land of Colleen right now. I’m heading to Danny’s later and we plan to have a run in Central Park, then dinner and Netflix will round out my quiet night. Don’t you worry though, he’s at the liquor store right now stocking up so even our quiet night can be crazy :-)