Monday, August 01, 2005

Kicking Screaming Gucci Little Piggy

I’d like to start off today’s entry by providing yet another example of my ineptitude at various everyday activities. I made macaroni and cheese for dinner last night. Yum. I saved half of it for lunch today. Yum. I then proceeded to dump the macaroni and cheese on the kitchen floor at work. The resounding *splat* could be heard from miles away, I’m sure. So, I was forced to buy my lunch in the cafeteria downstairs, and pay entirely too much for it, incidentally.

This weekend was pretty crazy because Adam, the guy with good musical taste from whom I am renting my room, returned for a short visit to the apartment with his band mate. Thursday night, Adam, Rene and I went to this great place that sells exotic beers and the best cheese I have ever had in my entire life. We picked up some of that, and hung out on the roof of the apartment to watch the sunset. It was crazy beautiful.

The weather this weekend was perfect, so I spent as much time outdoors as I possibly could. Friday after work, Danny and I went for a run in Central Park, followed by a significant amount of walking for the rest of the evening. I feel very physically fit this morning after all the exercise this past weekend.

AC Update: Still no AC in the apartment, and now, my Aerobed has become just about the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever slept on. Danny and I ended up deflating it and sleeping essentially right on the floor last night. Today, I’m suffering from a sore back, and a lack of sleep. I was at Matt’s apartment this weekend (a.k.a. my future home come September), and I am now having daydreams about living in an apartment with a real bed and a frigid window unit. Just one more month.

This weekend also marks my very first New York City freak out session. I knew it would happen, and as I found out from a few of my friends who have recently moved up here, it happens to everyone. Ever since I got here, I’ve subconsciously been dealing with the fact that EVERYONE in this city judges you on first glance. When you’re walking down the street, it’s not just the guys who give you the once-over, it’s all the girls too. What am I wearing? Is it hip enough to be walking around Manhattan on a decidedly not-skinny-enough body? Oh good god, is this from Old Navy?! I should be ashamed of myself. I have to say, I am not a big girl, but I certainly feel like one, the way I’m scrutinized by all the “beautiful girls” in this city.

So it finally hit me, on Saturday night, as Danny and I were getting ready to go out to a bar and meet some of his friends from college. Incidentally, they were both in sororities. I just didn’t think I could handle the pressure of being judged by all of New York City as well as two sorority girls from Florida State. I just didn’t think I could do it. So the waterworks came on, and didn’t stop for a good 20 minutes. Of course, just after any good cry, I felt better afterward, but it was the first time since I moved here that, just for a brief moment, I wished I was back home in D.C. where no one, at work or on the weekend, gave a flying rat’s ass what you were wearing or whether or not you had makeup on.

So here it is, Monday afternoon, and I am back to being madly in love with this city. I’m also going to work on that unfortunate part of my personality that tends to care what people think of me. I think if I can start to get over that, I’ll be a lot better off.

Beach Countdown: 33 days and counting

Check out the pictures of the place we’re staying: