Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Little Body Shop of Horrors

Ok, so one of the major obstacles in the way of my complete happiness and financial stability whilst living in the "Second Home to the World" is the existence of my 2001 Honda Civic.

A little over a year ago, I left work early one day with a ridiculously high fever and was headed to the doctor. As I pulled out of the parking space in the parking garage, I heard a crunching sound. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, stupid thing #13,476 that I've done was done that day. My car was quite abruptly introduced to the concrete pilon, and it caused some relatively minor damage to the front end of my car...all this due to sheer stupidity and a 103 degree fever.

So here I am, realizing that I am not going to need a car in New York City, and that this car I thought I would drive till it died would need to be sold, and sold quickly. I got three estimates today and they were all ridiculously high. Two of the guys doing my estimates treated me like a stupid girl who didn't know anything about cars. Now of course, this is completely true, but I wasn't going to let them know that, nor should they assume such things. One guy quoted me a price of $1500, and called me "darlin'" a lot, but after I told him I had a quote from a dealership at a much lower price, he lowered his price by a few hundred dollars. Prick. He lost any business he was going to get from me with that little stunt.

ANYWAY, now I'm completely screwed because I have very little money and a rather large body job to have done. Oh the joys of living on a menial salary.

If I were to rate today on a scale from 1 to 10, I'd put today at a solid 6.0. I got a really good run in this morning, so that was good (+1), and I got a lot accomplished in preparation for the move (+1). However, the obnoxious body shop trips, the fact that I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a month, and minor breakdown resulting in my tearstained and red face led to the loss of those 6 points that would have otherwise led to a perfect 10 day (-6). Please join me tomorrow and see if I can attain the perfect 10 day.

Countdown to NYC: exactly 48 hours. Let's hope I make it that long.