Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I have a lot of shit.

I've spent the last few days buried in my parents' basement (a.k.a. the Batcave, sadly and conspicuously missing a certain hot Welsh actor whose last name rhymes with "rail"). I've been organizing all of my worldly possessions into the following categories: (1) shit I need in NYC now, (2) shit I'll probably need in NYC in a few months when mom and dad come to visit, and (3) shit I don't need but my pack rat tendencies have forced me to hold onto. I think it's really funny that no matter how much effort I put into the sorting/packing process, I will inevitably get to NYC and find tons of stuff I really should have brought with me. Ah well.

I'm starting to get really excited now. Up till recently, I would have only moments when it would really hit me that I'm moving to New York City. I'd get this weird feeling of nervousness, excitement, and impatience to get the hell up there already. Now I've pretty much moved into full on Panic Mode, where I've got so much to do and so little time in which to do it. I'll be glad when Thursday rolls around and I just have to pack the car and go, and hope everything else works out. I know it will.

So here it is, Tuesday morning, and I'm off to get more shit done.